
Product Creation
Product Creation, branding, and UI design for a new park system that provides easy WIFI access and social interactions.


1st Problem

In 2020 the world was thrust into online life. With this transition came the alarming realization of how many families don't have consistent access to the internet, limiting their ability to work and receive a proper education remotely.

2nd Problem

With the popularity of screens and mobile devices, face-to-face interactions have started to diminish over the years. This change has lead to a lack of social skills in today's youth that may have repercussions for career possibilities down the line.


Inspired by Cuba’s WIFI hubs, where citizens travel to WIFI centers to access the internet. Due to these hubs being over-packed, customers are often outside interacting with one another. This system and the addition of a public park may solve two major issues we currently face with technology.


Final Logo


App Design

The mobile app serves several functions for GreenSpot. Firstly, as the service revolves around providing public internet for everyone, a terms of service has to be accepted that makes GreenSpot not accountable for any actions made on the service. Secondly, as one of GreenSpot's focuses is creating social interaction, each park is equipped with a mobile map as well as achievements, points, and games which are rewarded for exploring.